Whether you work in food processing or operate a cleanroom, keeping your facility clean involves your electrical power equipment. That's why we designed our SPEC Grade family of motor disconnects with a 15-degree slope to force liquid run-off.
In an effort to improve this hygienic design further, we've expanded the series to include a new mounting option: external mounting feet. These new units simplify motor disconnect installation and are perfect for critical washdown and heavy-traffic areas in food and beverage, paper and pharmaceutical plants.
External Mounting Feet Complement Sloped Roof Design
In addition to mounting SPEC Grade disconnects flush against the wall with sealed, internal fixing holes, you can now install units with external mounting feet. Welded feet offer a 1-inch standoff for ease of inspection and also eliminate debris build up. Feet are attached with a continuous weld to optimize strength and cleanliness and have a 5/16"; mounting hole. Ease of installation and sloped roof design for water run off make the MENNEKES SPEC Grade Series a perfect choice for your plant.
Disconnects with this new mounting option are available in three enclosure sizes with 30A, 40A, 60A and 100A ratings. Like our other sloped-roof units, a highly visible operator handle complies with LO/TO regulations; an expansive drainage channel between cover and protective sidewall eliminates contaminant accumulation. Units come standard with early break auxiliary contacts for variable frequency drives (VFD) and starter interfaces.
Other features of our expanded SPEC Grade series include:
Learn More
SPEC Grade disconnects are part of our full line of stainless steel and non-metallic motor disconnect and enclosure products. To learn more, please visit our product page.